The Brandon Tyler Narleski Creating Harmony Scholarship was established to continue Brandon’s gift of Music and Unity. Brandon’s love for all people and music gave him the inspiration to choose his career path and to work diligently to achieve his dream of becoming a Music Producer and Sound Engineer. The goal of this award is to encourage and assist someone … Read More
“Creating Harmony” II Foundation Fundraiser
We would like to thank each individual, family , and business that contributed in any way to make Brandon Tyler’s Creating Harmony ll Foundation Fundraiser a huge success . Your kindness , and generosity made it possible . The concept was to create a day filled with Love, Joy, Kindness, Music, Positivity, and Unity to capture Brandon’s essence. We greatly … Read More
Congratulations Garland Henley
We are proud to announce Garland Henley as the recipient of The Brandon Tyler Narleski Drum Scholarship which also includes a drum kit after 4 months of lessons are completed. Garland was chosen because of his passion and dedication to drumming. We look forward to hearing his progressions what the future holds for this bright young man.
The Brandon Tyler Narleski Drum Scholarship
The Brandon Tyler Narleski Drum Scholarship is a 52 week drum program. Student receives 52 weeks of 30 minute private drum lessons at the drum studios of Big Beat Music Studio. There will be a 3 month trial period to determine the scholarship recipient’s commitment and progress to his or her lessons. If it is observed that the student is … Read More
Congratulations Mike O’Leary
The Brandon Tyler Narleski Charitable Foundation is happy to announce our winner of our $1,500 Scholarship Award to further their education in music!! Here is our wonderful winner Mike O’Leary with his award! We are wishing you the best of luck in the future Mike. Imagine you dreams, Create your happiness and Live YOUR life!!